Mission statement

Our vision

  • A Christian oasis for Gothenburg and the world
  • “The water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:13
  • An oasis of small and large fellowships where everyone plays an important role in sharing what they are.
  • To be a spiritual oasis where you can be inspired, encouraged and challenged in order to be able to affect your surroundings whether you are in Gothenburg on a long-term or short-term basis.

Our mission
To walk alongside persons and guide them towards a life together with Jesus

Smyrna`s characteristics are to be:

  • Openness
  • Clarity
  • Trustworthy
  • Charitable
  • Inclusive
  • Devoted
  • Responsive

Our message

  • Come and see
  • Come and follow
  • Come and worship
  • Come and serve

Smyrna International Church VISION

During 2013 we launched the goal and vision to become a Church and people that are not satisfied with where we are, but urge each other to experience greater things for God.  We believe God desires for us not only to be a great Church and great people, but look even further towards being a Greater Church and Greater instruments used by God. This resulted in “Vision 2013” which of course was not limited to last year but will continue to stretch and help us to have the correct focus in the future aswell.

The 4 main areas we taught and encouraged one another  to exercise in our personal lives and Church gatherings have been:

  • Greater Worship
  • Greater Teaching
  • Greater Fellowship
  • Greater Desire

Now we have entered yet another exciting year. On our Vision Sunday in January we presented 4 areas we want to raise to the surface and explore even more.

Our desire and longing is that we be a church that in an atmosphere of Love helps one another to Develop as we strive to Serve each other and Connect even more with those around ourselves.
