Living from within

We continue with our current series with a focus on the transformation from darkness to light. In this part, the pastor challenges us to take a good look at ourselves and see if we portray who we are; light. Are we being affected by what’s around us or are we allowing what’s within to affect the…


We were honoured to have a visiting minister from Uganda/USA, Sarah Bukulu Muwanguzi. She shares a powerful word on overcoming through faith with actions. The sermon is in Luganda and translated by William Nsubuga into English. Be encouraged and empowered as you listen to what The Lord has for you today.

The Promise Is Yours

This is a powerful sermon right in the middle of two important dates in the Christian calendar: Ascension day and Pentecost day. The Pastor, Mark Beckenham, shares what these two days mean, who The HolySpirit is, why we need Him and how we can be baptised in Him. Grab a notebook and pen as you…