So I have this bling of a watch which I totally love coz of it’s colour and fit. I have no idea what it’s worth since I got it as a gift but I know that it’s very beautiful and lush, giving me a fancy-piece-of-jewellery-feel rather than a-tool-that-tells-time. The flashiness of the watch draws all sorts of attention occasionally striking the most interesting conversations. I’m still getting used to it but as you can imagine, I sometimes still wonder what time it is when I have my “bling bling” on.

That said, I started to think about my life in relation to “bling bling”. Would I be considered a bling bling in the midst of a group of people? What would make me be considered a bling bling? What is that expensive, flashy attribute that get’s other’s attention positively?

I know what you’re thinking, well I can’t help my thoughts sometimes…:-)

On a serious note, I want my life to count for more than normal. I don’t want to be like everybody, I want to stand out and bring a special value everywhere I go and in everything I do. I want to be true to the original creation I have been made to be…full bling! You too have been made an original to fulfil, not a common task but a special task; you’ve been created to bling!

In order to increase our bling, I believe that it’s imperative for us to develop the strengths that we have, both in gifts and talents and also in the positive attributes and character traits. This increased shine heavily contributes to our originality and impact in the world.

Moreover, as Christians, we have the added advantage of being connected to the source. This means that we can walk as the original creation, daily tapping into the divine nature of God that is made alive in us through Him…wow!

Jesus encourages us to let our lights shine, in other words, “turn your bling on!” This clearly establishes that there’s a bling in each of- the original- us. This bling can either be on or off, but it’s there, no excuses!

Jesus continues to confirm that our bling will attract attention and that attention should bring glory to Him, the King Bling!

I leave us with this Bible verse: In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

That verse steers us into an understanding of choice. You can decide to be a gold and silver kind of vessel or a wood and clay kind of vessel. A vessel of special or common use. A bling bling or a dull dull 🙂

Thank God for His word and the assistance of the HolySpirit…we can turn our bling on 24-7!

Matthew 5:16, 2Timothy 2:20


  1. Help me Lord fulfil and live up to my full potentials. Help me switch my bling on everytime and everyday of my life. Let my bling shine into the darkest part of this world. And above all, make me an honourable vessel in your hand called out for special purpose unto thee.

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