Day 20 – The city and the world – pray for those that lead!

”I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, interces- sion and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”

1 Timothy 2:1-4

Our Swedish society, our Europe and our world has chan- ged. Insecurity is great and we don ́t know what the New Year will bring. Our values, our love, yes even humanity has been put to the test.

How do we handle the desperation that has moved onto our streets. How do we handle countries that fall apart? How do we face regimes that oppress at the same time that we in our continual hunt for increase want more? Norwegian Per Fuggli has said:

“The welfare state is a fragile construction. It can break. We have to defend it against the “Me-party” that wants to destroy the “We-party”.
Maybe it is in this that we have our greatest task in so- ciety right now. Fighting against the egoism, xenophobia and segrecy that is expanding.

Paul points towards a powerful weapon in this task: Prayer. We are encouraged to pray. Pray always! Prayer makes a difference! In the more and more vociferous public conversation it is easy to just grab hold and use sharp words. This type of rhetoric creates disunity. Prayer shows a calm but strong path. A path that chan- ges and that can create a solution to the situations that seem impossible.

The bible text for today shows another way compared with the conversational climate of today.
Let us share our hopes and our fears with God.
That changes both life and society. /Anne-Jorid Ahgnell


– Thank God for all we have here in Sweden.
– Pray that the politicians in Gothenburg will make good decisions for our city.
– Pray for politicians and parties on a national level.
– Pray that Europe ́s leaders will find ways for solidarity and compassion.
– Pray for sober and truthful news reports.


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