
Spiritual development happens when our lives are focused upon becoming more like Christ. God has shown me that it is easy to become distracted with being “busy” and miss out on the joy of intentional focus upon reading and meditating on God’s Word and taking time in prayer.

Spiritual development and formation is much more than a class, but rather a daily walk with God. My goal is to become a better man of God personally so that I can impact more people publicly. God’s Word is not meant only for information but transformation of hearts and lives!

Spiritually mature people help those far from God find out about the Gospel through their words, actions, and attitudes! Spiritual development leads a person from the comfortable arm-chair and plugs them into the action of loving and reaching people that need the love of Christ.

Another area of my life I plan to grow in is to spend more quality time with people that have a positive influence in my life. Although I am around different people all the time, we can never get too busy ministering to others that we miss out on caring for each other. My prayer is that I will during this year develop into being a better person and through this also a better spiritual leader. Spiritual disciplines are the heartbeat of growing to become like Christ. Without filling our hearts and minds with God’s Word and prayer, we can easily become swayed by the tide of the culture that leaves a Christ-like life totally out of the picture.

Another aspect I aim at taking on is to simply trust God even more in each decision and situation in life. God is strong enough to carry our burdens. Over the years I have examples of having experienced both extreme low times and extremely exciting times. God is showing me that He stays consistent with His provision, love and mercy. Knowing who God is fuels my desire to become more like Him. Spiritual development is the process of becoming and living for Christ in all areas of life! So I invite you to join me as we:

Discover, Grow and Go!

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2


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