Self Evaluate

It’s week 44, autumn break in Gothenburg, and I have some time off work. As much as I’ve taken this opportunity to relax, travel and visit some dear friends, I also take this moment to self evaluate.

I have realized that to lead a successful life, it is important to set goals, benchmarks and precise periods to evaluate progress. More so, as a child of God in this world but not of this world, we have to determine to do so: consciously in purpose by the grace of God.

We are living in times where there is a form of godliness all around us. There are a lot of good ideas, teachings and doctrines that are in fact ungodly. The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons…godless myths and old wives tales forbidding people to marry, employing others to abstain from certain foods, obsessive physical training…aren’t we already there and doesn’t it all seem good?

Well, our desire is not to be caught up in all the good looking ungodly propaganda. We will thus:

  •  Watch our lives and doctrine closely.

– Let’s make sure we have benchmarks that have a reference in the word of God powered by the Holy Spirit in Jesus name.

-Let’s take planned time out to self evaluate. Take account of every move, thought and speech. Consider our principles, policies, character and motives and our present position against the set benchmarks. Let God’s light expose any darkness.

-If we find that we are not on track, let’s be godly enough to back track! Let’s be honest with God and ourselves!

-Swallow pride and ambition and re-track even if we feel we have vastly advanced.

-Call out any form of godliness and cut short that which is not of God.

-Withdraw from that business deal, cut off that relationship, resign from that job, switch your university major, return the offered goods, re-join that ministry, terminate that partnership, publicly confess your wrong teaching, unlearn that habit, shift focus or whatever else seems too late or too big to do. Do it now! It will surely cost us a lot more to get back on track if we allow ourselves to go off track for a longer distance.

-Employ the Holy Spirit, The Spirit of truth to guide us step by step in all truth.

  • Be diligent and persevere in the doctrine

-Assign periodic evaluation moments in the course of the year.

-The plan might be unpopular, might seem to take forever, might look unattainable, but stick to it.

-Ignore all other notions of godliness and goodness and constantly get your affirmation direct from The Holy Spirit. Don’t look to the right or to the left…keep your eyes on the God-ordained goal.

-Apply wisdom and patience to follow through to the end.

-As long as it is of God, it will save both yourself and the people with and around you.

PS: As long as we are in this world, there are influences that are ready to subdue us. We might start off on the right track but along the way, become sidetracked. Many times we might not be aware of it due to our ambition and busy-ness.

Have a self-evaluating week 😉

 1Timothy 4:1-3,7-8,16    John16:13

Love and Blessings,

Kiumbiro M.


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