teach and tell

Teach and Tell

I was listening to a seven year old doing a “teach and tell” with so much pride, about her country. This oral and very visual presentation lasted for ten minutes with this little girl giving facts about the history, geography and traditions of her country as well as telling of her most favorite places. When she was done with her presentation, the other twenty-six children gave her a hearty round of applause as they were completely taken by the whole journey through her country. During the question and answer session that followed, you could tell that the little children wished to visit this fairy land as they articulated bits and pieces of what had caught their interest. They were so convinced that this place  truly existed so they questioned how to get there, how long it would take them, how much it would cost…they were getting ready for their own journey.

This experience got me thinking about the one place i`m longing to go to; heaven.

Heaven is the place where God dwells. It is a place that God has prepared for His children; those that call Him Abba Father. As believers, we are citizens of heaven, it is our home where we will live and reign forever. A place with no tears or sorrow; no death or pain; where the walls are made of jasper and decoratively layered with every kind of precious stone; where the gates are made of pearls. A city with streets of pure gold, as pure as glass;  where there is no night; no need for moon and sun as God`s glory gives light and Jesus Christ is the lamp;  no need for a temple as the presence of God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple…HEAVEN!

Jesus Christ pointed out that He was going to prepare a place for us in Heaven and then come back to take us home. Then He continued to point out that the ONLY WAY to get there was through believing in Him  and receiving Him as Lord and Saviour.

This hope fills me with great joy and gets me as excited as those little children were. I can boldly say like Paul that, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.”

I hope my  “teach and tell” has aroused your curiosity of my country. If you are interested in traveling with me drop me a line and i`ll give you details of how much it costs, how to get there and whatever else you might be wondering.

John 14:1-6    John1:12    Philippians 1:21    Philippians 3:20    Rev 21:10-27


    • Kiumbiro Murigu (Author)

      Thank you Agnes for that question. No, not everybody gets to go to heaven.

  1. Mark Beckenham

    Belief in Jesus and acceptance of Him as Saviour and Lord
    Confession of sins and repentance is the way to an eternity in Gods presence…

  2. Kiumbiro Murigu (Author)

    Yes, I agree that to start the journey one needs to be born again. Confession of sins, Confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and Believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead.
    The next step is repenting: leaving your ways and following God’s ways. Being led by God, denying yourself, taking up the cross and daily following Jesus. Developing and being comital and faithful to your new relationship with God.
    This will lead to the most important point; doing God’s will…being true disciples! If we do not do His will, if we are false disciples, we will miss it. This is made clear when Jesus makes one of the most startling statements in all the Bible. Read Matthew 7:21-23

    After salvation, doing God’s will (being a true disciple) is paramount!!

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