Face the Future with Confidence

The future is an unknown country, full of promise and danger. But, equipped with the right map, compass and weather forecast, you can journey into it, confident that you’ll reach your goal.

Many people that I meet are afraid of what the future might hold. This is something totally irrespective of age or background.

This fear can, if let loose, totally paralyze an individual and limit all possibilities of experiencing life as the gift it is meant to be.

This fear I´m talking about has many different faces: Fear of unemployment, fear of economic problems, fear of sickness, fear of rejection and so on. The list is never ending.

But I truly believe that God has an amazing life-plan for every individual to experience.

In Jeremiah chapter 29 and verse 11 God says: “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

It is also so true that with the correct equipment a job is easier to accomplish.

Even though God may have His plans for you, he also desires to cooperate with you in making it come to pass. Sounds like an excellent offer doesn´t it?

Equipped with the right map, compass and weather forecast you can definitely be confident that you´ll reach God´s goal for you.

Example 1:

But I also have to realize that it and would be totally idiotic travelling somewhere you´ve never been before without a map or GPS and thinking you won´t get lost.

Example 2:

For those athletes engaged in the sport of orientation a map and compass are essential tools in competing for a medal in their competition.

Example 3:

This summer the coast of Gothenburg has been filled with boats of different sizes and sailors of different levels of competence.

A smart sailor sails with a map, a compass and knowledge of the weather forecast.

The using of correct equipment makes all the difference between success or failure, reaching your goal or getting lost.

God desires to be a part of your life journey and assist you in exploring, facing and reaching your future not filled with fear but rather confidence.

But the thing is, God never forces Himself on anybody but waits to be invited to assist and take part.

So, in order to be able to face the future with confidence, allow Jesus to be onboard your life and help you every step of the way.

Remember you are not called to fear but to confidence.

Have a great week!


One Comment

  1. Thank you Mark.
    I am so blessed and thankfull for having The Lord in my life and wish everyone on earth would get to know him.
    To feel his endless love, his trust, his patience and his comfort. There is nothing greater.

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